AWC WEST 2020, March 23 & 24, 2020, Hyatt Regency Calgary
Join us and be recognized as a leader who supports women in agriculture!
Would you like to exhibit at AWC?
Contact Iris Meck at 403-686-8407 or email: events@irismeck.com for details.

Ag Direct Hail
AG Direct Hail Insurance is the first and only exclusively online and direct private crop hail insurance company on the Prairies. We focus on what matters most to farmers: competitive rates, superior customer service and professional loss adjusting. We are proud to support women in agriculture. https://www.agdirecthail.com/
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 churches and church agencies working together to end hunger around the world. www.foodgrainsbank.ca

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a recognizable and reliable organization where Albertans find compassionate support, responsible care and accessible resources. Our programs and services are developed to address the unique mental health needs of individuals and communities. For more than 60 years in Alberta, CMHA has focused on recovery and support for Albertans impacted by mental illness and stand with people living in the community as they achieve their wellness goals. www.alberta.cmha.ca.
Canmar Foods
CanMar Foods Ltd. is a fully integrated “closed loop” state of the art Canadian Flax processing company. Able to purchase flaxseed directly from CanMar’s farming operations, we process the highest quality and best tasting flaxseed available for consumers worldwide. Our patented Roasting Process delivers an enhanced nuttier taste and achieves food safety levels unmatched in the industry. CanMar Foods serves the retail and ingredient industry. Products are traceable from “farm to spoon” providing full transparency and traceability. CanMar Foods is exporting to over 20 countries World Wide. Our products in Canada can be found at Costco, Coop, London Drugs, Real Canadian Superstore and Safeway. CanMar Foods – Enhancing nutrition for a healthier world. www.canmarfoods.com
Cargill Limited
Cargill’s 155,000 employees across 70 countries work relentlessly to achieve our purpose of nourishing the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. Every day, we connect farmers with markets, customers with ingredients, and people and animals with the food they need to thrive.
We combine 153 years of experience with new technologies and insights to serve as a trusted partner for food, agriculture, financial and industrial customers in more than 125 countries. Side-by-side, we are building a stronger, sustainable future for agriculture. For more information, visit Cargill.com
Dovetail Workwear
To encourage women to enter and succeed in non-traditional occupations. We envision the future as all women fulfilling their personal potential, thriving in their work, and strengthening their communities. https://dovetailworkwear.com/
Dovetail Brand Video Spring 2018 HR from Kyle Begley on Vimeo.
LeaderShift develops leaders in the Ag related space. LeaderShift offers coaching and a rigorous leader development program capable of serving a dispersed rural clientele in a variety of cohort configurations that allows participants to learn where they work while in a learning community of other leaders of similar backgrounds. Please visit us at leader-shift.ca or contact info@leader-shift.ca for a one on one discussion about how LeaderShift can help you increase your leader effectiveness.

Mental Health First Aid Canada
MHFA is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem, experiencing a mental health crisis, or a worsening of their mental health. https://www.mhfa.ca/

People Things Consulting
Raised Right
Raised Right is a family owned human-grade pet food company that works with veterinarian, Dr. Karen Becker to make “home cooked style” whole food recipes for dogs & cats. For more info, visit www.RaisedRightPets.com
Royal Bank of Canada
RBC Royal Bank is here to help our clients and communities build a better future. We believe that diversity and inclusion provide an advantage in intellectual capital and helps ensure continued growth in the markets we serve. Whether it’s creating an inclusive workplace that offers all employees the opportunity to reach their potential, developing programs and services to meet the needs of women and women entrepreneurs or supporting initiatives that address the needs of women in our communities, making the most of our diversity is both the smart thing and the right thing to do. www.rbcroyalbank.com/agriculture

Silver Sage Beef Inc.
Since 2011, Silver Sage Beef has been a custom beef shop located in the “Calgary Farmers’ Market. Our cattle are raised naturally without the use of hormones or anti-biotics on our family ranch located south of the Cypress Hills.
Our ranch has been in our family since 1910, spanning 5 generations. For over 40 years we have prided ourselves with raising our Angus & Gelbvieh cross herd through the use of good feed, genetics and a passion for doing something different!
We have over 17,000 acres of natural, native and tame grass land, with some being certified organic. We take pride knowing what we eat is what we also bring to your table! https://silversagebeef.com/

TD Bank Group
TD Canada Trust Agriculture Services recognizes that farming is more than a way of life, it’s a business. We have been in business lending to farmers for over 160 years, starting with a single branch serving grain millers and merchants. Our Agriculture Specialists understand farming and are committed to building a long-term relationship with you, your business and the next generation of proud Canadian farmers. Our experience helps us appreciate the factors that affect the industry in Canada. We can help you expand your operation, improve your cash flow and finance land, equipment, quota, and livestock. Together we can meet today’s challenges and anticipate tomorrow’s opportunities.
For our Regional Agriculture Specialists, click here.
Web: www.td.com

The Working Mind
TWM is an evidence-based training program designed to address and promote mental health and reduce stigma in the workplace. https://theworkingmind.ca/