The Smaller Potato Became the Answer

The Smaller Potato Became the Answer "One of the more powerful blessings I experienced was the blissful ignorance I had of the potato industry. Because of this I believed there was nothing I couldn’t do, nothing I couldn’t change." By Catalina Margulis Twenty-five years ago, Angela Santiago fell in love with potatoes and wanted to make delicious, healthy food. Now she is the successful [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Living Their Best Lives|

A Time of Reflection with AWC

A Time of Reflection with AWC By Iris Meck After yet another unprecedented year, associates, friends and families connected and gathered safely over the holiday season and I am sure, that like me, many took the time for refection. I offer my sincerest appreciation for the support I have received from women in the ag and food sector, and industry stakeholders, to get AWC [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Energize and Lead|

Finding Work-Life Balance When Time and Energy Are Low

Finding Work-Life Balance When Time and Energy Are Low By Michelle Cederberg, Certified Speaking Professional, MKin, BA Psyc, CEP, CPCC   If there is one common challenge most of my clients and audiences struggle with it is without a doubt the belief that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. “Too much to do and not enough time to do it.” As Ag women, you’ve [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Energize and Lead|

Body Language Tips for Your Next Presentation

Body Language Tips for Your Next Presentation By Carol Kinsey Goman Ph.D. Getting ready to go onstage? There are two sets of nonverbal cues that audiences instinctively look for in presenters: Warmth and Authority. Speakers who send both signals have the most impact. When you smile, make positive eye contact, and keep your body relaxed and your gestures open, you send warm signals of [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Energize and Lead|

Loneliness: How Women Leaders Can Help Their AG Team Move Forward

Loneliness: How Women Leaders Can Help Their AG Team Move Forward Relationships need to exist, fulfill an appropriate role, and be mostly positive, to keep loneliness at bay By Beverly Beuermann-King Issue: 40% of people are struggling with mental health, addiction amid the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions have left 54% feeling isolated. (Ipsos) The pandemic has kept people apart. What can we do to help reduce the impact of loneliness as we [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Energize and Lead|

Products we like: January 2022

Products we like: January 2022 From Farm to Your Plate If you have been following any news about AWC, you will see me writing news about a company and people that I think have not only survived through COVID but have thrived.  With their move to a new location in Marda Loop, Silver Sage Beef continues to bring meat products [...]

January 17th, 2022|Categories: Products We Like|

A force to be reckoned with in the wine industry

A force to be reckoned with in the wine industry “The biggest challenge of managing a business is managing the people. Even though it’s easier to do it yourself, team members can bring something new to the table. Give people the room, allow people to make mistakes.” By Phil Norton Viticulture is Latin for wine-growing, and when you say it like that it’s clearly [...]

October 10th, 2021|Categories: Living Their Best Lives|

Get your ducks in a row!

Get your ducks in a row! “The willingness to work together and ability to be open is critical to our success,” Debbie Conzelmann says. “None of us on our own would be as incredible as we are together.” By Catalina Margulis Although Debbi Conzelmann and her three sisters were born and raised on their family farm in Stouffville, Ontario, they did not intentionally plan [...]

October 10th, 2021|Categories: Living Their Best Lives|

Mental Health: Powerful Reminder

Mental Health: Powerful Reminder Cast from shackles which bound them, this bell shall ring out hope for the mentally ill and victory over mental illness. -Inscription on Mental Health Bell By Beverly Beuermann-King The Story - The Mental Health Bell During the early days of mental health treatment, asylums often restrained people who had mental illnesses with iron chains and shackles around their ankles and [...]

October 10th, 2021|Categories: Energize and Lead|

How to make a positive impression in seven seconds

How to make a positive impression in seven seconds Seven simple and powerful ways to make a positive first impression By Carol Kinsey-Goman You’re at an AWC conference and you turn to the stranger standing next to you. In that first seven seconds your brain makes a thousand computations: Is she someone to approach or to avoid? Is she trustworthy? Is she confident? Is [...]

October 10th, 2021|Categories: Energize and Lead|