AWC EAST 2023, November 19, 20 & 21, 2023, Sheraton Fallsview, Niagara Falls, ON
Whether you are in a career with an organization, starting your own business, own your own business/operation, are looking for your dream job, or wanting to hone your overall life skills, this conference is for you!
The AWC Program
The AWC program will start Sunday November 19, 2023 with registration at noon, Followed by a women’s health session and and a student sponsor reception in the evening.
The speaker program will end on Monday at about 5:30 pm followed by a reception which will give you plenty of time to network before the evening program and banquet.
On Tuesday November 21, 2023, the program will start with breakfast at about 7:30 am, followed by a speaker program commencing at about 8:30 am. The day will include coffee breaks and lunch. The program will end by about 5:00 pm but don’t be afraid to continue to network after the session ends!
But do take time to make all the connections you can before you leave!