Thank you to our sponsors!
Thank you to our sponsors who believe in the importance of fostering great women in agriculture. Without the help of these dedicated sponsors, AWC would not be possible. Join us in recognizing these leaders in the industry.
Would you like to sponsor AWC?
Contact Iris Meck at 403-686-8407 or email: imeck@farmmedia.com for sponsorship program details.
Opportunity Sponsors
840 CFCW
840 CFCW, Alberta’s Country Legend, is Canada’s first country station delivering a mix of legends and today’s country stars. www.cfcw.com
Bayer Crop Science Inc.

BMO Financial Group
Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a highly diversified financial services provider – the 8th largest bank, by assets, in North America. BMO provides a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management and investment banking products and services to more than 12 million customers and conducts business through three operating groups: Personal and Commercial Banking, BMO Wealth Management and BMO Capital Markets. To learn more visit www.bmo.com/ag

Farm Credit Canada
FCC is Canada’s leading agriculture and food lender, with a healthy loan portfolio of more than $41 billion. Our employees are dedicated to the future of Canadian agriculture and food. We provide flexible, competitively priced financing, management software, information and knowledge specifically designed for the agriculture and food industry. As a self-sustaining Crown corporation, we provide an appropriate return to our shareholder, and reinvest our profits back into the industry and communities we serve. For more information, visit fcc.ca.
Norton Rose Fulbright
Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm with a key focus on the food and agribusiness industry. Our incredible Canadian clients have helped our team of committed lawyers, led by women, build a practice in the food and agribusiness sector that is ranked Band 1 in Canada by Chambers and Partners, and among the best in the world.
We advise the full spectrum of industry players, including: producers, producer associations, agriculture commodities processors, distributors, agrichemicals manufacturers, precision farming software designers and equipment manufacturers, alternative fuel producers, soft commodities traders, food manufacturers and retailers, and cooperatives, with a full business law service. Whether you need legal advice on your operations locally or in other parts of Canada or the world, we have a team with personal connections to agriculture and the experience and capabilities to assist. https://www.nortonrosefulbright.com.

Nutrien Ag Solutions is the leading provider of agricultural products and services for Canadian growers. A subsidiary of Nutrien Ltd., Nutrien Ag Solutions is dedicated to helping farmers achieve their maximum success by being a trusted partner and creating the next generation of agricultural solutions to help growers feed the world.
Promoting equity, diversity and inclusive (EDI) growth across our value chain enhances Nutrien’s organizational strength, reflects the diversity of our stakeholders and creates more just communities. We are committed to providing all employees with a respectful and inclusive workplace. https://www.nutrien.com/
RBC is committed to investing in the future of women in agriculture. Check out our new video series focused on celebrating the success and progress of women in agri-business—and inspiring young women to join the industry. https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/business/advice/industry-expertise/agriculture/agricultural-advantage/index.html

Great minds discuss ideas and with more than 185 years providing financial services to Canadian farms and agri-businesses we’ve got some GREAT ideas! Combined with the Scotiabank Women Initiative – a comprehensive program helping women take their businesses to the next level, through Access to Capital, Mentorship and Education – we can help you make a real change for your business. It’s your time, seize the opportunity. https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/commercial-banking/industries/agriculture.html
Network Sponsors

Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions
The Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions are producer-directed organizations that serve to enhance the long-term profitability of farmers in key areas such as research, agronomy, market access, policy and communications. https://www.albertawheatbarley.com/

Bioenterprise is Canada’s Food and Agri-tech Engine, bringing more than 15 years of industry experience to help businesses connect, innovate and grow! From expert services and mentorship, public and private funding and investment, to national and global networking, the Bioenterprise Engine will help scale your business to create sector-wide impact. bioenterprise.ca
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc.
Boehringer Ingelheim is now the second largest company in the global animal health market, and is the top provider worldwide of parasiticides and vaccines. The company is now the global leader in the pet, swine, and equine sectors, with a strong position in poultry and cattle.
Visit www.boehringer-ingelheim.ca for more information.

Cargill Ltd.
Our purpose is to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. Every day, we connect farmers with markets, customers with ingredients, and people and animals with the food they need to thrive. We combine our experience with new technologies and insights to serve as a trusted partner for food, agriculture, financial and industrial customers in more than 125 countries. www.cargill.com

The Co-operators

CP – Canadian Pacific
Canadian Pacific is a transcontinental railway in Canada and the United States with direct links to eight major ports, including Vancouver and Montreal, providing North American customers a competitive rail service with access to key markets in every corner of the globe. CP is growing with its customers, offering a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. Visit cpr.ca to see the rail advantages of CP.
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Dairy Farmers of Canada is a farmer-funded and farmer-run organization. We represent the interests of the hard-working men and women on almost 11,000 Canadian dairy farms, day in and day out. Indirectly, we also stand with the over 221,000 extended members of the dairy farmer community and workforce from coast to coast.
Driven by teamwork, integrity, and passion, dairy farmers work hard each day to play our part in ensuring all Canadians have a chance to share a healthy, sustainable future.
We are committed to leading the way with innovative research, providing essential nutritional education, and promoting healthy living.
Our commitment to quality goes far beyond the safe, nutritious and delicious milk inside every carton. It extends to everything we do and how we do it. From humane treatment of our animals, to a respect for our environment and steadfast adherence to strict safety policies – no corners cut, no detail too small. https://dairyfarmersofcanada.ca

Egg Farmers of Canada
Egg Farmers of Canada is a national organization that represents Canada’s more than 1,200 regulated egg farmers in all ten provinces and the Northwest Territories. EFC manages the supply of eggs, promotes eggs and develops standards for egg farming in Canada. Our mission is to position the Canadian egg industry as a leader in Canada’s agricultural future through sustainable growth, continuous improvement and social responsibility, working collaboratively under the system of supply management to uphold the interests of all those who depend upon and enjoy our products. www.eggfarmers.ca

MLT Aikins LLP
MLT Aikins LLP is a full-service law firm of more than 270 lawyers with a deep commitment to Western Canada and an understanding of this market’s unique legal and business landscapes. To learn more visit www.mltaikins.com

Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub
Led by Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute, the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) is a diverse, nation-wide network of researchers, practitioners, women entrepreneurs, and key stakeholders striving to create a more inclusive and supportive environment to grow women’s entrepreneurship in Canada. With 10 regional hubs and a network of over 250 organizations, WEKH is designed to address the needs of diverse women across regions and sectors.
As part of the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, WEKH is developing an advanced digital platform and national network for sharing research, knowledge, and leading practices for advancing women entrepreneurs. https://wekh.ca/
Mentor Sponsors

Bossy Nagy Group Chartered Professional Accountants
Bossy Nagy Group Chartered Professional Accountants is the pre-eminent accounting, wealth and business advisory firm trusted by our clients to strengthen their business and enhance their family wealth. www.bng-cpa.ca
Canada Malting Co. Ltd.
At Canada Malting it’s more than just making malt, it’s being a part of something special. Our roots as a maltster trace back to 1832, as do the knowledge, relationships and values our team continues to cultivate today. The connections we have with growers, brewers and distillers, as well as the communities they serve, have made us an intrinsic part of this remarkable industry for more than 100 years. Our firm commitment to quality and food safety have been an integral step of that journey. We are demonstrating our leadership to providing quality food and feed products to our customers around the globe through set goals and objectives based on measurable outcomes for performance and customer satisfaction.
Canada Malting Co. is Canada’s largest malting company and one of the biggest global malt producers. We currently operate three malthouses (Calgary, Thunder Bay, Montreal) and nine country elevators.
To learn more, please visit: https://canadamalting.com/

Dovetail Workwear
We want to encourage women to enter and succeed in non-traditional occupations. We envision the future as all women fulfilling their personal potential, thriving in their work, and strengthening their communities. https://dovetailworkwear.ca/
Egg Farmers of Ontario
Egg Farmers of Ontario is an association that represents approximately 500 egg and pullet farm families. EFO works to ensure that consumers have access to safe, reliable and reasonably-priced eggs with fair farm pricing ensuring adequate returns to egg farmers. www.getcracking.ca

Grand River Agricultural Society
Protecting Crops that Feed the World.
The Mosaic Company
The Mosaic Company is the world’s leading integrated producer and marketer of concentrated phosphate and potash. We mine and process phosphate and potash minerals into crop nutrients, and then ship via rail, barge and ocean-going vessel to our customers in the major agricultural centers of the world. We work carefully to maximize efficiencies and minimize our use of energy and natural resources, and have made significant progress in reducing Mosaic’s environmental footprint. Mosaic is an important driver of economic activity in each of our operating communities. We strive to be a thoughtful and engaged neighbor. www.mosaicco.com

Ontario Federation of Agriculture
OFA is the trusted, farmer-led organization for Ontario’s farming community. We use our grassroots voice to advocate for a sustainable farming and food sector on issues that impact our more than 38,000 farm members, our industry and our rural communities. We are working for Farms and Food Forever. https://ofa.on.ca/

Ontario Mutuals
Ontario Mutuals are always proud to support exemplary programs like the AWC. This conference creates an environment of inclusion and collaboration, and the people who run it are dedicated to fostering positive growth for all of their participants.
We’ve been insuring local communities for generations – over 160 years. And although we’re deeply connected to our history and roots, we’re also dedicated to encouraging the future growth and exciting change that the AWC brings. www.ontariomutuals.ca
UPL AgroSolutions Canada Inc
UPL is a global leader in agriculture solutions and is well positioned to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future. Enabling food, farms and growers to thrive in a changing global environment. This is our purpose, we call it OpenAg.
OpenAg is an agriculture network that feeds sustainable growth for all. No limits, no borders. https://www.upl-ltd.com/ca
Connector Sponsors

20/20 Seed Labs Inc.

Beer Canada
Beer Canada is a trade association that advocates on behalf of its members, makers of Canada’s most popular adult beverage – beer. Canadian brewers purchase 300,000 tonnes of malting barley a year to make their products. www.beercanada.com
Canadian Foundation for Food and Agricultural Education
The CFFAE inspires knowledge and understanding of the importance of sustainable agriculture to Canada’s agricultural community through scholarships and programs for university students that foster continued interest and research in the study of agricultural sciences. https://cffae.ca/

Canadian Grain Commission
The Canadian Grain Commission is the federal agency that regulates grain handling in Canada and establishes and maintains science-based standards of quality for Canadian grain. Guided by our mandate, mission, vision, and values, we work in the interests of grain producers while bringing value to the entire Canadian grain sector. We are proud that women hold leadership roles within the Canadian Grain Commission. 67% of our scientific staff, including the Director General of our Grain Research Laboratory, are women. Our programs, services, and world-class research support Canada’s reputation as a consistent and reliable source of high-quality grain. www.grainscanada.gc.ca
CanMar Foods Ltd.
CanMar Foods Ltd. is a fully integrated “closed loop” state of the art Canadian Seed processing company. Able to purchase flaxseed &hemp seeds directly from CanMar’s farming operations, we process the highest quality and best tasting flax & hemp seed available for consumers worldwide. Our patented Roasting Process delivers an enhanced nuttier taste and achieves food safety levels unmatched in the industry. CanMar Foods serves the retail and ingredient industry. Products are traceable from “farm to spoon” providing full transparency and traceability. CanMar Foods is exporting to over 20 countries World Wide. Our products in Canada can be found at Costco, Coop, London Drugs, Real Canadian Superstore and Safeway. CanMar Foods – Enhancing nutrition for a healthier world. www.canmarfoods.com

Chicken Farmers of Ontario
Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) represents more than 1,300 family-run farms located in 330 communities across the province.
CFO provides innovative and entrepreneurial leadership to the supply management system that matches domestic production to domestic consumer demand. While COVID-19 has brought about changes to many common routines, it’s ‘Chicken As Usual’ for Ontario’s chicken farmers, who are on the job and committed to raising safe, healthy, locally-grown chicken for Ontario families and for food banks.
For female farmer-members, CFO encourages and provides support for planning and participation in Women in Leadership activities in local communities. For more information, please visit: ontariochicken.ca.
John Deere Canada
We rely on more than 180-years of experience and terabytes of precision data to know them and their businesses better than anyone else. Our easy-to-use technology helps deliver results they see in the field, on the job site, and in their pockets. We ensure seamless access to parts, services, and performance upgrades from take home to trade-in by providing world-class support throughout the lifecycle of their equipment, with productivity and sustainability always in mind. www.deere.ca

MacDon Industries Ltd.
Harvesting Performance
For nearly 70 years MacDon has been a world leader in technology, innovation and manufacturing of high-performance harvesting equipment. Our harvesting history is rooted deep in the rich prairie heritage of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. As a Canadian company, we’ve kept our values firmly intact while becoming a world-class equipment manufacturer. We are proud of our worldwide reputation for excellence and take our position as the Harvesting Specialists seriously, because at the end of the day our equipment is harvesting the crops that help producers feed the world.
MacDon Industries Ltd. is proud to sponsor the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference! macdon.com

Manitoba Canola Growers
The Manitoba Canola Growers Association represents 7500 members in our province that grow canola. MCGA uses the canola check off dollars for “seed money” to grow the future. Every dollar spent is leveraged at the local, national, and international levels, and studies show that every dollar invested by growers results in an impressive return on investment.
Through the strategic, thoughtful investments of grower check off contributions, MCGA ensures that our members are well positioned to take advantage of opportunities to maximize their net income from growing canola.
Manitoba Canola Growers are a part of a large canola value chain all working together to build a strong canola industry. https://canolagrowers.com/

National Bank
SeCan is a consortium of over 700 independent Canadian seed businesses engaged in seed production, processing and marketing.
As “Canada’s Seed Partner”, SeCan actively seeks partnerships that promote success in Canadian agriculture. SeCan is the largest supplier of certified seed to Canadian farmers, with more than 480 varieties in 27 crop types developed by public and private sector breeding programs.
Collectively, SeCan members are major supporters of seed variety research and development, returning more than $91 million in royalties and research funding since inception in 1976. www.secan.com

Turkey Farmers of Canada
Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC) is a national organization representing Canada’s 520+ turkey farmers. Created in 1974 under the federal Farm Products Agencies Act, the Agency encourages cooperation throughout the Canadian turkey industry, promotes the consumption of turkey meat, and oversees the supply management system for turkey in Canada. The turkey industry in Canada generates $4.0 billion in economic activity annually, supporting over 16,000 jobs across rural and urban centres (2019 data). The turkey industry also contributes over $1.2 billion to Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and generates $400 million in annual farm sales.www.turkeyfarmersofcanada.ca

Valent Canada, Inc.
Valent Canada Inc. has been providing solutions to Canadian agriculture, turf and ornamental industries since 2007, helping to manage the toughest weed, insect and disease pressures while maximizing productivity. At Valent Canada we’re dedicated to bringing new innovation and technology to Canadian growers. With a balanced portfolio of products, practices and real-world recommendations, we offer solutions through our distribution partners that help farmers optimize today and plan for tomorrow. www.valent.ca

WinField United Canada
WinField United Canada is the only customer owned ag input provider, who helps Canadian independent ag-retailers punch above their weight class, in an era when consolidation is crushing competition. Through our recognized portfolios of ag products, services and expertise delivered under the WinField United and CROPLAN seed brands, our business supports ag-retailers in helping farmers achieve success in the field. We believe in blazing our own trail and empowering women within our organization, ag-retail network and our great Ag industry, to do them same. We are located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and are a wholly owned subsidiary of Land O’Lakes, Inc. as agriculture and food co-operative located in Arden Hills, Minnesota, USA. Learn more at www.winfieldunited.ca
Zoetis is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets veterinary vaccines and medicines, complemented by diagnostic products, genetic tests, biodevices and a range of services. Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in more than 100 countries. In 2016, the company generated annual revenue of $4.9 billion with approximately 9,000 employees. For more information, please visit www.zoetis.ca
Media Sponsors

Alberta Farmer Express
Alberta’s Provincial Farm and Ranch Newspaper
Alberta Farmer Express is written specifically for farmers and ranchers in Alberta, Canada’s second-largest agricultural province. Alberta Farmer Express features provincial, national and international farm news, weekly sections on both crop and livestock production and markets, industry and policy news, lively opinion pages and a popular farm weather page. AlbertaFarmExpress.ca
Canadian Cattlemen
Published since 1938 and known to many readers as “the cattleman’s bible,” its content is relevant, practical, informative and applicable to anyone in Canada’s beef industry. From the best ways to grow the forage crops that sustain Canada’s cows and their calves, to the marketing chain of feedlots, packers and domestic and international sales, beef producers will find it all in Canadian Cattlemen. It’s also a key source of information for Canada’s purebred cattle associations and producer organizations. CanadianCattlemen.ca
Country Guide National
With roots back to 1882, Country Guide is Canada’s oldest and best-known farm title. Success through strategic business thinking, no matter how small or large the operation, provides a fresh modern editorial focus. Whether it’s the intensive, high-value specialty operation or a grain farm of thousands of acres, Country Guide provides case studies of successful farmers – from young farmers taking the operation to the next step or the mature farmer looking for a successful transition to the next generation. Country-guide.ca
Farmtario is a new source of information for Ontario Farmers. Our Ontario-based farm journalists are some of the most-trusted and experienced in the business. We believe the future of Ontario agriculture is bright but change is rapid. We are committed to providing information you can rely on in an ever-changing industry so you can use your resources efficiently and effectively. Farmtario is available where you need it, when you need it. Find Farmtario online, on your phone, in your inbox, on social media and in your mailbox. Farmtario.com
Practical production tips for the Prairie farmer
Grainews is the publication farmers use to get on with the day-to-day business of farming – choosing the right herbicide, how to buy, use and maintain machinery or managing the farm accounts. The focus is on grain, but each issue also features a section called Cattleman’s Corner which targets cow-calf producers and the thousands of Prairie farmers who have an integrated grain and cattle operation. Grainews.ca

The newly refined Harrowsmith embraces the same aesthetic that inspired James Lawrence, by continuing to build a community of knowledge and sharing. Focusing on family-run farms, beekeeping, climate change, indie breweries, fair trade collectives, permaculture and off-grid life with DIY videos, digital editions and coveted full-sized print magazines, it’s a virtual village of learning.
Today’s Harrowsmith is still eagerly consumed around farmhouse tables, as well as dockside on Muskoka chairs, on condo balconies, and at downtown coffee shops. It’s not just a magazine anymore, it’s a place of inspiration, ideas and networking. Join us! www.HarrowsmithMag.com
Jersey Canada
Jersey Canada is the non-profit national association for owners and breeders of registered and recorded Jersey cattle. The association is responsible for the management of the Jersey herd book, and its role is to grow the Jersey breed in Canada by maintaining the integrity of the herdbook and providing services that encourage successful advancement of members and the breed. Jersey Canada helps breeders make good decisions. www.jerseycanada.com

Manitoba Co-operator
The Manitoba Co-operator has been a fixture in most Manitoba farm homes since 1947. Featuring farm news from the next town or the next continent, and weekly sections dedicated to both crop and livestock production and markets. The Co-operator also has industry and policy news, lively opinion pages and a weekly farm weather page with analysis, precipitation reports, and a forecast for the week ahead. ManitobaCooperator.ca

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting is a professional organization whose mission is to lead, promote, and support growth in agricultural and rural broadcasting for the benefit of our members, audience, and industry. NAFB is dedicated to serving the interests of the agricultural community and creating value for its Broadcast member stations and networks, Allied Industry Members and Management Council Members. Through our effort, NAFB connects the agriculture industry with farm broadcasters and farmers throughout the United States. Founded in 1944, Visit our website to learn more about membership opportunities. https://nafb.com/
Progressive Publishing
Progressive Dairy magazine combines new, market reports and industry trends with current dairy management and production practices. Its thought-provoking content is geared toward forward-thinking dairy producers. www.progressivedairycanada.com
Western Producer
The Western Producer is an integral part of the family farm, reaching deep into the rural landscape of Western Canada. The Producer engages with the decision makers, women and men, who make modern farms successful. www.producer.com