The latest about AWC EAST 2018.
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Coverage on AWC EAST 2018
December 2018 • Focus on the Women in Canadian Agriculture
Media Planet: Diversity in agriculture is often underdiscussed – see how one group is helping women become leaders in the field.
“With a career in Canadian agriculture spanning 40 years, Iris Meck knows firsthand the unique challenges women face in the industry. She’s also a staunch advocate for making the abundance of opportunities for women in the industry more mainstream…”
December 12, 2018 • Impact Farming Show – Candace Hill – Leadership & Long Runs
Farm Marketer: On this episode of Impact Farming, we sit down with Candace Hill to discuss Leadership and Long Runs and how this is very similar to farming.
December 5, 2018 • Impact Farming Show – Sheri Griffiths – Working with your Banker
Farm Marketer: On this episode of Impact Farming, we sit down with Sheri Griffiths to discuss working with your banker.
For farmers, borrowing money is one of the biggest parts of farming. These days, you do not get far without borrowing money…
November 30, 2018 • AT AWC Candace Hill shared her insights on leadership
November 28, 2018 • Impact Farming Show – Julie Gunlock – Modern Agriculture in the culture of alarmism
Farm Marketer: On this episode of Impact Farming, we sit down with Julie Gunlock to discuss modern agriculture in the culture of alarmism.
The culture of alarmism is an unending and relentless drumbeat that everything sold in the grocery store, every piece of food out there is going to kill you or harm your family and a lot of it is tied to a lack of understanding of the modern food system. We are seeing more and more fear-based messaging and questionable marketing going on.
October 31, 2018 • Women in the Food and Agriculture Field Want to Push Back on Alarmism
Independent Women’s Forum, Julie Gunlock: “The culture of alarmism isn’t too hard to explain. Most women recognize it as that relentless drumbeat that you and your kids are in grave danger. It’s that guilt-inducing narrative that taking shortcuts—like making your kids a frozen pizza on a busy night—is tantamount to failing as a parent…”
October 26, 2018 • Learning to lead in the agribusiness boardroom
RealAgriculture: “For eight years Kay Kuenker was the only woman on the executive team at Dow AgroSciences. That experience has taught her much about how women and men can work together in the agribusiness executive suite.”
October 22, 2018 • Increasing leadership roles for women helps fuel Cargill’s future
RealAgriculture: “In agriculture, women are under represented in leadership roles. How do we change that? For Cargill, one of the world’s largest agribusinesses, change comes in the form of a commitment to achieve gender parity in management by 2030. The goal is to have women occupy 50 per cent of leadership roles in the organization at that time, almost doubling the current 27 per cent of women in these roles.”
October 18, 2018 • Don’t let unspoken gender rules get in the way
RealAgriculture, Bernard Tobin: “When it comes to communicating in the workplace — men and women don’t typically speak the same language. According to Sherry Waddingham, president of Mindshift, a Toronto-based workplace communications company, men tend to be more assertive, competitive, look to problem solve and are poor listeners. Women on the other hand, are less assertive, look to share power and be a team player — seeking to involve others in the conversation and decision making.”
October 17, 2018 • Women in Agriculture Say Barriers to Equality Persist, Removal Could Take Decades, Study Reveals
European Seed: “Women in agriculture around the world, whether in developing or developed countries, say widespread gender discrimination persists and poses obstacles to their ability to help feed the world, according to a new study from Corteva AgriscienceTM, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont.
The study was released to coincide with today’s celebration of the International Day of Rural Women. Corteva Agriscience commissioned the 17-country study to underscore the importance of women in agriculture and to identify barriers to their full and successful participation. The study included 4,160 respondents living in both the developed and developing world on five different continents.”
July 22, 2018 • Women in ag – Check this out!
Picture a Farmer: Help support this initiative to produce a documentary about female farmers and female-led farms in Alberta by voting for its production from July 30 – August 2, 2018. Check out their website at www.pictureafarmer.com and watch for news on how to vote!
June 29, 2018 • Manitoba farm family issues challenge to support STARS
Manitoba Co-operator: “A Manitoba farm family is donating proceeds from a crop to support the STARS air ambulance program and issuing a challenge to other farms to do the same.
They’ve planted 40 acres of soybeans and will donate the net profits to STARS, said Jill Verwey of Verwey Farms in the Portage la Prairie area.”
May 15, 2018 • Building on your strengths to carve out a successful life in agriculture
Rural Roots Canada: “A leader with Corteva Agriscience says playing to your strengths and using your talents can lead to success in business and your personal life.
Sharyl Sauer is the North America and Platform Communications leader for Corteva Agriscience.
She spoke recently at the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Calgary on the importance of using your talents to succeed in business and personal life and how to make sure they are not an obstacle.”