AWC WEST 2017, March 6&7, 2017, Hyatt Regency Calgary
The AWC WEST 2017 Agenda is finally here!
The program will start Monday March 6, 2017 with pre-conference workshops at 10:00 am sharp; followed by a short break for you to grab a quick lunch on your own.
Registration and Welcome Coffee Reception will start at 11:15 am so come early and network!
The afternoon plenary session of feature speakers will start at 12:45 pm.
The speaker program will end on Monday at about 5:30pm followed by a reception which will give you plenty of time to network before the evening program and banquet.
On Tuesday March 7, 2017 the program will start with breakfast at 7:00am, followed by a speaker program commencing at7:45 am. The day will include coffee breaks and lunch. The program will end by about 5:30pm.
But do take time to make all the connections you can before you leave!
Download a PDF of the agenda here.